Become familiar with the applicable law when an appeal is made to the First-tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disability) (the “SEND Tribunal”) against a decision by a local authority (“LA”) to refuse to carry out an Education, Health and Care (“EHC”) needs assessment under the Children and Families Act 2014 (“the Act”); 2 Understand the applicable law when an appeal is made against an LA’s decision not to re-assess a child or young person who already has an EHC plan; 3 Apply the law to develop the reasons for appeal and argue the case in the SEND Tribunal.
Appeals User Guide
Become familiar with the applicable law when an appeal is made to the First-tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disability) (the “SEND Tribunal”) against a decision by a local authority (“LA”) to refuse to carry out an Education, Health and Care (“EHC”) needs assessment under the Children and Families Act 2014 (“the Act”); 2 Understand the applicable law when an appeal is made against an LA’s decision not to re-assess a child or young person who already has an EHC plan; 3 Apply the law to develop the reasons for appeal and argue the case in the SEND Tribunal.