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Become familiar with the applicable law when an appeal is made to the First-tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disability) (the “SEND Tribunal”) against a decision by a local authority (“LA”) to refuse to carry out an Education, Health and Care (“EHC”) needs assessment under the Children and Families Act 2014 (“the Act”); 2 Understand the applicable law when an appeal is made against an LA’s decision not to re-assess a child or young person who already has an EHC plan; 3 Apply the law to develop the reasons for appeal and argue the case in the SEND Tribunal.

Appeals User Guide

  • Become familiar with the applicable law when an appeal is made to the First-tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disability) (the “SEND Tribunal”) against a decision by a local authority (“LA”) to refuse to carry out an Education, Health and Care (“EHC”) needs assessment under the Children and Families Act 2014 (“the Act”); 2 Understand the applicable law when an appeal is made against an LA’s decision not to re-assess a child or young person who already has an EHC plan; 3 Apply the law to develop the reasons for appeal and argue the case in the SEND Tribunal.

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